D’Anna Robinson is Founder of Epic Transformations. She is a Certified EMF Specialist through EMF Solutions and has been a Feng Shui Consultant for over 20 years. She employs Feng Shui principles & modern day energy tools to Harmonize you, your home, even your car from harmful Electromagnetic (EMF) radiation. Complimentary Virtual EMF Remediation Session: https://www.epictransformations.net/connect https://www.facebook.com/DAnnaJRobinson https://www.instagram.com/epicfengshui/ https://bioinitiative.org Do you want to attending my online “live” workshop on Dec 19th called, “Completing 2020: Learning Your Lesson & Releasing the Funk?” Register at: https://HighlyPerceptivePeopleAcademy.com/completing2020 I also have a “live” online workshop on Jan 2nd to “Creating Anew & Empowering 2021!” Info is at: https://HighlyPerceptivePeopleAcademy.com/creating2021 https://HighlyPerceptivePeopleAcademy.com https://SoulofAnEmpath.com

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