Ep.20: Worthy of Love & Sacred Partnerships

Emilia Nagy is an intuitive yet practical Love, Relationship and Dating Coach who can see deep into the soul layers of who you are and work with you in a playful and compassionate way to move through to your next (or first) miracle. She is a Master Coach trained by many masters including Alison Armstrong, Harv Ecker, Blackfoot and Apache Elders, and a consortium of spiritual guides. She is in rapture for the Holy spirit, artist, Flamenco singer, mother, wife, minister, sound healer, and level II Reiki healer.

Emilia’s Soul comes from a long lineage of healers from the Sirius Star system who use the vibration of sound for healing and soul activation. Her soul is devoted to activating sacred partnership between feminine and masculine on Mother Earth at this time. She is here on a mission to help humanity awaken into our sovereign creative power, re-claim our cosmic heritage and restore our rightful place within the galaxy as the supernatural galactic citizens we once were.

She grew up in communist Bulgaria in a narcissistic family system. This was a common way to raise families in Bulgaria as the influence of communism was humiliation, degradation and suppression of personal freedoms and rights. It was a difficult childhood with emigration, family separation and severe emotional trauma that had Emilia contemplating suicide at age 12.

After moving to San Diego in 2002, Emilia enjoyed a 6-figure real state career. However, despite all of the financial abundance and success, Emilia was deeply lonely. She had a hard time making friends and developing deep and lasting connections. She wanted a child and a family but she kept attracting the wrong men.

During this time, Emilia also became ill. She had contracted a parasitic infection while traveling in Panama and combined with what she later learned were CPTSD symptoms from prolonged emotional and psychological abuse, she suffered from anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable bowels syndrome, fatigue, fibromyalgia and PCOS.

For many years Emilia had deep, repressed rage about her life story. She wanted to share her story but she did not want to “expose” those in her life that were responsible for her suffering. Miraculously, one day she discovered a quote that turned her life around: “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your story. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better” by Ann Lamott.

Soon after, she decided to own her past trauma and began writing about narcissism and narcissistic abuse. She started leading Narcissistic abuse recovery meetings through meetup in 2015 and quickly the meetup grew to thousands of people across California. She became a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert sought by therapists and people of all walks of life.

And, when it came to true love…..She found it in the arms of a strong, gentle and kind man, Emil. They have a daughter now, Alessandra who is 6 yrs old and they couldn’t be happier.

Emilia is passionate about helping women achieve the unconditional love they crave and know they can return, deep in the heart. That miraculous love within that does not have to be earned but graciously received. Or may we all be in such a state of grace that we may receive this love miracle. And that’s exactly what she helps you do.

She is honored in her work as a coach, to get to see women go from a place of pain and struggle to a place of power and inner joy.

She supports her students and clients address their deep-seated issues regarding their inability to feel love within themselves and move on to a more enjoyable life, with respectful, healthy empowering relationships. She helps women connect to their creativity by facilitating sacred space for a deep inner vision, healing of wounds, injuries, and dishonor, claiming their sovereign creative power and dating discerningly for a true loving partnership.

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